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Example Text: well it`s not quite a lol moment but I`m LQTM. Translation: Well, it`s not quite a laugh out loud moment but I`m laughing to myself. Previous Daily Selections. Sign up for the Term of the Day e-mail It`s FREE. Sign up for uKnowLingo.
I`m watching the TV show Lost for the first time, thanks to Netflix. I`ve rarely owned a TV, and although I`ve sometimes “inherited” old ones, I usually get rid of them, because I find it such a huge time and energy drain. But my& ...
LQTM; How I see myself as a parent... Hug Me Hug Me; My thoughts on the MTV Awards; Chrome gave me a little T-Rex to apologize for not being able to connect; White belt to black belt in 2 seconds! Heard an old woman say this while on the& ...
OR. LQTM Laughing Quietly To Myself. PreviousNext. Funny-Best-Sayings-Life-Humorous-Hilarious-Quotes. Incoming search terms: laughing quietly to myself quotes; inspirational quotes by laughing quietly to myself. Leave a reply. ADS& ...
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