August 19. Hey Author, how are you? Its really a good theme, but I found some bugs in IE8 and i need to resolve! You can view this bug in your demo… Try to view a portfolio item or a blog post in IE8, it just open a grey page without content.
ie8 bug
Hi, I am using 4.2.1. I`m able to replicate the issue on sencha doc website. Happens on IE8 (possibly other IE versions as well). http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing modify the code ... add listener& ...
"Tip Issue": The little pointer "tip" of the qTip does not follow the "effect" in IE8. Move mouse away and box fades out slowly while pointer tip just pops out immediately. Here is the exact code in J.
Noticed that IE7 and IE8 struggle with encoded characters in the title tag. e.g. JS Code H&S This will produce just H as the title in IE7 and 8 but work fine in 9 and other browsers. Any ideas?
August 19. Hey Author, how are you? Its really a good theme, but I found some bugs in IE8 and i need to resolve! You can view this bug in your demo… Try to view a portfolio item or a blog post in IE8, it just open a grey page without content.
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